Gawen's Claim: Highlander Fate, Lairds of the Isles Book One Read online

Page 12

  He crashed his mouth to hers in a hungry kiss. She stiffened in momentary surprise, her anger and jealousy replaced by the ever-present ache she felt for Gawen, that invisible thread of desire that bound her to him. That love. Her heart thundered against her chest as she returned his kiss, breathing in the masculine scent of him, winding her hands through his silken, red strands, her body coming alive as if it had been asleep during the time they'd kept their distance from each other.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, binding her to him in a viselike grip as if he feared she'd try to break free, but she leaned in even closer to him. God, she needed him. She loved him. All thoughts of Achdara and Malmuira had vanished; there was only Gawen, this man from another time who'd stolen her heart.

  Gawen let out a low groan as he walked with her until her back was against the wall. She melted against him as he hiked up her skirts with one hand. His finger dipped into her flooded center, and she gasped against his mouth, a torrent of pleasure rushing through her body as he stroked her.

  She whimpered as he continued to stroke, his mouth never leaving hers as tendrils of pleasure tightened their hold on her body. She could feel the beginnings of her climax, and Gawen didn't stop stroking her or dominating her mouth even as her climax tore through her and she let out a cry, her body quaking against him.

  Only then did he tear his mouth from hers, keeping her in the circle of his arms as she floated down from the high of her orgasm.

  "Ye look like a siren, my Lila," he rasped, his eyes raking her in from head to toe, as she struggled to catch her breath. "'Tis been torture tae keep my distance from ye, after I've already taken ye're innocence. Ye're mine, sweet Lila. All mine." His voice deepened to a possessive growl, and Lila shuddered with pleasure at the raw need in his eyes.

  He claimed her mouth in another kiss, this one a branding, a claiming. He doesn't need to claim me, Lila thought, through the haze of her pleasure. I'm already his. Every part of me.

  "I cannae wait," he continued, his words a desperate rasp against her mouth. "I must have ye now . . ."

  "Gawen," she cried out on a moan, as he released himself from his kilt and buried his cock inside her, reaching out to anchor her to him by her hips as he thrusted, all the while keeping his mouth molded against hers. She held tightly to him as they moved together, their breaths coming out in sharp gasps as he pounded her against the wall.

  It wasn't long before Lila could feel the rise of another climax, that stirring of pleasure that began in her center and expanded, and she cried out as her second orgasm tore through her. Gawen's release came soon after; he let out a deep growl as he spilled himself inside her.

  If Gawen hadn't held her up, Lila would have melted onto the floor. He reached out to swing her up into his arms, bridal style, his green eyes mischievous as he carried her to the bed, where he divested her of her gown, seizing one of her nipples in his mouth. Lila threw her head back, letting out a whimper of pleasure.

  "That was only the beginning, sweet Lila," he murmured, releasing her breast from his mouth as he peppered kisses down her abdomen. "I intend tae have ye again . . . and again . . ."

  Lila had to clamp her hand over her mouth to stifle her scream as Gawen once again brought her to the heights of pleasure.

  * * *

  “I missed ye so, sweet Lila,” he whispered afterward, burying his face in her hair. “And nae just yer presence in my bed. I care about ye, lass. Ye’ve brought joy tae my life again. It was folly tae think we should keep our distance. We can keep focus better if we’re together. While ye're here, we should enjoy each other."

  Lila’s heart had begun to swell until he said the words “while ye’re here.” Her chest constricted, and she swallowed a lump in her throat.

  He’s right, she told herself. He didn’t know the depths of her feelings for him, and nothing had inherently changed; she was still a time-traveling witch, and he was still a fourteenth-century Scottish laird who'd need to marry a suitable bride. She had her life in the future: her family, her coven. But this didn’t fill her with joy; instead, a sharp pain pierced her at the thought of a life without Gawen.

  “Why did ye come tae my chamber?” Gawen asked now, sitting up and pinning her with curious green eyes.

  “I wanted to suggest we go talk to Kudan again,” she said, burying her anguish as she forced a smile. “And then I saw Achdara . . .”

  “She shouldnae have gotten in. I'm going tae have a word with my guard. I can only glean she kens I desire ye, and she thought tae offer me her body,” Gawen said with a scowl.

  “You weren’t interested at all?" Lila asked, her lingering jealousy once again rising to the surface. "Inghean told me you're going to possibly marry her.”

  Gawen let out an annoyed grunt. “I told ye Inghean rarely speaks truth. I donnae want Achdara. I’ve nae been able tae even think of another lass since meeting ye.”

  Warmth returned to Lila’s body, chasing away her jealousy, and she tugged him down for a deep kiss. When they broke apart for air, he reached out to stroke her hair.

  “’Tis a fine idea tae talk tae Kudan again,” he said. “On the way back from his home, if the weather is fair, we should enjoy another . . ." He paused, searching for the word, his handsome features creased in concentration. “Picniba.”

  “Picnic,” Lila corrected, grinning.

  “There are many strange words from yer time,” Gawen said with a playful scowl. He turned a bashful gaze at her, tracing her face with his fingertips. “Would ye like tae enjoy a picnic on the morrow?”

  “You already have me in bed, and you’re shy about asking me out on a date?” Lila teased.

  “Date?" Gawen asked. "A date on the calendar? Or is this another odd word from yer time?”

  “In my time, it also means . . . to woo. What people do when they’re considering a relationship or marriage.”

  She froze at her words, concerned that Gawen would misunderstand. But he didn’t look uneasy.

  "Ye donnae need tae worry," he said, taking in her embarrassed flush. "I ken we cannae marry,” he added lightly, his calm words causing shards of pain to pierce her heart. “But I would like tae woo ye, while ye’re here.”

  “I’d like that,” she said, forcing a smile, hoping that he couldn’t detect her heartbreak.

  As Gawen drifted off to sleep moments later, keeping her enfolded in his arms, she reached out to brush back a stray lock of hair from his handsome face. The firelight danced off his angular features, illuminating every detail—that strong jaw, the sensual mouth that had given her such pleasure. He had ruined her for every other man. No one would be able to compare to Gawen, the man she’d fallen in love with in the past.

  If circumstances were different, what kind of future would they have together? Once again, she allowed herself to fantasize about this possible future—sitting at Gawen's side during feasts, practicing her spells in the lush groves that dotted the island, spending their nights together in his bed. And that persistent, aching thought of children, a brood of boys and girls with Gawen's fiery, red hair.

  Her parents and sister were time travelers, she wouldn’t be giving up a life with them if she stayed in this time; they could visit. Gawen’s handsomeness would certainly impress her sister; she could imagine the mischievous wink Avery would give her at the sight of Gawen, something she did any time a handsome man crossed their path. His honor and commitment to duty would impress her protective parents.

  The longing that consumed her at the thought of her family meeting Gawen, of their potential children, caused a wave of pure joy to sweep over her. She did want that future, badly, but it would not be. Gawen had just told her they couldn’t marry; he’d made it clear to her when they first met that he intended to marry a suitable Scottish bride.

  Lila closed her eyes, blinking back the sudden sting of tears; she'd been overemotional lately. She had to force her thoughts away from her longing, focusing instead on the dark, evasive Malmuira—and Kudan. Sh
e had the feeling she was missing something crucial, but she couldn't fathom what it was. Why had Malmuira spared Kudan? If Kudan's descendant caused this massacre and she wanted to stop it, the simplest way would have been to kill Kudan.

  She expelled a sigh and started to lift her hand from her belly, where it had unconsciously drifted when she'd fantasized about having Gawen's children.

  But she froze, her heart picking up its pace, her hand still resting on her flat belly. She recalled the look on Ysenda's face as she’d looked at Kudan. It had been a fleeting look, lasting for no longer than a second, but now Lila recognized it. It was a look of longing. Of love. The same longing Lila had for Gawen. Ysenda had barely looked at her own husband, Struan.

  Ysenda and Kudan are having an affair. She sat up in bed so abruptly that Gawen stirred beside her. That was what Kudan was hiding—it had to be.

  But she suspected their affair was just the cusp of what Kudan was hiding. She now realized what she’d been missing, what had been staring her in the face all along. She wanted to curse herself for not seeing it before.

  "What is it?" Gawen asked, sitting up with a worried frown. "Lila?"

  "We've been focusing on the wrong person,” Lila said, panic coursing through her veins like wildfire. "I know who Malmuira’s real target is."

  Chapter 21

  Gawen kicked the sides of his horse, racing ahead of Lila, Aonghus, and his guards. His heart pounded in his chest, Lila's revelation still echoing in his mind.

  "I believe Ysenda and Kudan are having an affair. I think Ysenda is pregnant, and the man who causes the massacre is her descendant. Malmuira must have realized this, and that's why she didn't kill Kudan—Ysenda is the true target."

  After her momentous words, he and Lila had dressed and raced out of her chamber. If they could have, Lila would have used a Transport spell, but such a spell wouldn’t be able to transport the guards he wanted to take with them as a precaution, and they couldn’t risk being seen by someone who didn’t know about the stiuireadh. Instead, they’d taken the fastest two horses in the stables after he’d gathered several guards to accompany them to Struan and Ysenda's home. Gawen knew he'd have to deal with Struan, who wouldn't react well to the knowledge that his wife not only was having an affair with his cousin but was pregnant by him. The important thing was keeping Ysenda safe and preventing Malmuira from murdering her and her unborn child.

  His body went cold with dread at the thought of the future massacre Malmuira was trying to prevent. He could understand wanting to prevent such a tragedy; he knew the pain of loss well, and he could only imagine her anguish and fury. He’d wanted the stiuireadh to prevent the deaths of his family using their ability. But the comparison ended there; he’d never murder others to prevent his own loss, and certainly not a lass who carried an innocent bairn.

  His determination increased, and he leaned forward on his horse as he picked up speed.

  When they arrived at Struan and Ysenda's home, a large cottage not far from the village, he had his men surround it to make certain it was secure. A surprised looking servant answered the door; Gawen and Lila moved past her without a word and entered the main room, where Ysenda stood up in surprise, lowering her embroidery.

  "Laird MacRaild—” she began, startled.

  "Where is yer husband?" Gawen asked tersely.

  "He’s gone tae the village. Why? Has something happened?"

  Relief skittered through him. It was best that Struan wasn't here for this confrontation. He looked at Lila and gave her a nod; they’d decided it was best if she asked Ysenda the delicate questions.

  Lila stepped forward, taking Ysenda's hands. Ysenda stiffened, regarding her with wariness.

  "I'm going to ask you a question," Lila said gently. “It’s very important that you tell me the truth."

  Ysenda hesitated, but she gave Lila a shaky nod.

  "Are you with child?” Lila asked.

  Ysenda froze, the color draining from her face.

  "How—how did ye ken?” she asked.

  Gawen's heart plummeted in his chest at her confession; a part of him had hoped that Lila was wrong. He wasn’t looking forward to dealing with her husband’s anger, and the revenge he’d want to enact on Kudan.

  "It doesn't matter right now,” Lila said, giving her a smile that was kind and without judgment. “All that matters is keeping you and your baby safe."

  “Why? Why would I nae be safe?”

  "I'll tell you, but it’s important that you answer this next question honestly as well," Lila said. "Who is the father of your baby?"

  Ysenda swallowed hard, her gaze straying to Gawen.

  "Why, my husband, of—of course," she said shakily. Gawen could tell it was a lie, a married woman accused of her husband not being the father of her unborn bairn would have shown more outrage. “I donnae ken what ye've heard, but—”

  "Ysenda, there's no time for this," Gawen barked, ignoring Lila’s sharp look as he stepped forward. He knew they needed to tread delicately with Ysenda, but there was too much at stake. "Tell us the truth. Who is the father of yer bairn? No punishment will come tae ye; I'll handle yer husband. But ye must tell us the truth."

  Ysenda's face crumpled; she sank down onto her chair.

  “The bairn—’tis Kudan's," she whispered. "But I love him, and he loves me. We—we were planning tae leave Skye, tae start a new life in the Highlands. Kudan has coin he inherited from his father. He was going tae tell Struan, but I wanted to wait, because I was afeared of—”

  "'Tis all right," Gawen interrupted, his heart hammering. "Ye and yer bairn are in danger. I'm taking ye tae the castle where ye'll be put under guard."

  Ysenda gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.

  “I—I ken Struan will be upset, but he’s nae a violent man, I donnae think he will harm me.”

  “It’s not Struan we’re concerned with,” Lila said gently. “We’ll tell you everything, but we need to get you out of here. You should pack whatever you need.”

  Ysenda looked hesitant, but at Gawen’s hard look, she scrambled out of the room, calling for her servant to help her pack.

  Once she left, Lila raised a shaking hand to her temple, and Gawen realized that her calm manner with Ysenda had been for appearances’ sake; she now looked terrified.

  "I'll have to put a Cloaking spell on her before she leaves to go to the castle. If Malmuira comes searching for her there, she'll kill anyone in her path to get to her. She needs to think Ysenda is still here, and”—Lila licked her lips, her skin growing paler as she continued—“I need to be here to confront her when she does."

  Panic flooded Gawen’s body. He stepped forward to grasp her arms, shaking his head.

  "No," he rasped, "Lila, ye cannae—”

  "This is what I came here to do,” Lila interrupted. "I need to be the one to stop her. I don't know if Malmuira has figured out Ysenda is her true target yet, but there's no time to waste."

  The look Lila leveled him with was firm; he knew there would be no swaying her. Fear like he'd never known before swept over him. What if Malmuira killed her?

  Lila seemed to read his thoughts, reaching up to touch the sides of his face and giving him a reassuring smile.

  "Leave guards here if you must, but this is what I was sent here to do,” she whispered.

  Gawen gave her a grudging nod, still consumed with anxiety and fear. He had his men take Ysenda to his horse after Lila performed a Cloaking spell on her; Ysenda looked both confused and horrified as Lila performed the spells. He had much to explain to Ysenda once they reached the castle.

  Gawen ordered two of his men to stay behind, but he would send at least one more. Given the men he had patrolling the lands and the castle, he couldn’t spare more, though he would have sent them all to protect Lila if he could. He vowed that he would return tonight after tending to his duties. He wanted to spend as much time as he could at her side, keeping her safe.

  Before he left, he enfolded Lila in his ar
ms, giving her a searing kiss, not caring that they were in full view of his guards. There was an ocean of things he wanted to say: how much he cared for her, how he feared for her, how he didn’t want to leave her side, not for a moment. His throat tightened as he gazed down at her, pressing his forehead to hers.

  "Be safe, my Lila," he whispered, the only words he could conjure, before he turned and forced himself to leave her behind.

  Chapter 22

  After Gawen left with Ysenda and his men, leaving two behind to stand guard outside of Struan's home, Lila moved from room to room, using Olfactory spells to enhance Ysenda's natural scent from the belongings she'd left behind. She needed Malmuira to think Ysenda was still here.

  When she'd infused every room in the house—even the outdoor garden in the back—with Ysenda's scent, she buried herself in the Arsa grimoire, which she’d grabbed in haste before leaving the castle, reviewing every Offensive and Defensive spell she could find, committing them to memory.

  As she reviewed the spells, queasiness rose in her stomach, queasiness she attributed to nerves. That familiar uncertainty tried to take hold of her, to tell her she wasn't strong enough, that Malmuira would kill not only her but Gawen and anyone who stood in her way. She forced herself to quell her fears, making herself eat a meal of vegetable stew that Ysenda’s servant had been preparing before they sent her away for her safety.

  Struan arrived just after midday; she could hear him arguing with the guards outside until they directed him to the castle. Lila's stomach tightened; she hoped Gawen was prepared to deal with a raging, jealous husband. Infidelity wasn't taken lightly in her own time; she had no doubt that Struan would want to murder Kudan once he learned the truth.